coral reef

Doubilet/Hayes: Two Worlds

David Doubilet has a long and intimate view of the sea.  As a National Geographic  Photographer he has spent five decades exploring and documenting the far corners of the world from beneath interior Africa, remote tropical coral reefs, rich temperate seas and recent projects beneath the polar ice. A contributing editor for several publications and an author of 12 titles including the award winning Water Light Time. His numerous photographic awards include Picture of the Year, BBC Wildlife, Communication Arts and World Press. David is a member of the Academy of Achievement, Royal Photographic Society, International League of Conservation Photographers and International Diving Hall of Fame. David was named a National Geographic Contributing Photographer-in-Residence in 2001.

Jennifer Hayes is a contributing photographer and speaker for National Geographic  Partners.  Jennifer is an aquatic biologist that has directed her focus to photojournalism specializing in natural history, conservation, and the documentation of freshwater and marine environments. She and her partner, David Doubilet, collaborate on assignments from the equator to the polar ice. She has descended beneath Botswana’s Okavango Delta, explored the world beneath oil and gas rigs, documented remote and wild Cuba and submerged into Greenland’s fjords choked with icebergs.

At Tacoma Ocean Fest 2021, we feature Doubilet and Hayes in their astonishing photographic series “Two Worlds,” printed on massive banners. Diving beneath the surface in waters from Danko Island in the Antarctic to Lord Howe Island off Australia, from French Polynesia to Papua New Guinea to Cayman Island, they capture the delicate balance between land and ocean. What happens above – humans, climate change – affects what happens beneath, and vice versa. We live in two worlds, but we are all part of the one.

Find Doubilet and Hayes’ photography at Tacoma Ocean Fest on June 6 and at the Foss Waterway Seaport through August 2021.


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